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Report IP Infringements and Abuse

If you are a rights holder or an authorized agent acting on a rights holder’s behalf, that detects potential violations of your intellectual property rights, or if you would like to report abuse incident, you may use this communication channel

  • LibyanSpider respects intellectual property rights. This form is for reporting copyright or trademark infringements on any LibyanSpider service. Please understand that your incident may be originating from customers who run their own applications and websites on LibyanSpider Cloud platform. As a cloud service provider, LibyanSpider is not in a position to arbitrate disputes between parties that should be handled through other dispute resolution mechanisms, including legal action.

    We require all customers to abide by LibyanSpider Terms of Use. We will investigate complaints of illegal activity. As part of this, we may notify our customer and ask them to resolve the issue and may share your contact information so our customer can work with you directly to resolve the issue. Where our customers fail to comply with our policies, we reserve the right to take appropriate action.

    We require sufficient information in order to review and determine any proper response or action. Accordingly, if you do not provide all the required information, including the alleged violation of law or regulation for the applicable jurisdiction(s) and supporting document to substantiate the alleged unlawful activity, we reserve the right to not take any action and not contact you for further information. Please note that we reserve the right to refuse to open or process any suspicious attachments or emails.

    We will not take any action if the products or services that are the subject of your abuse report (such as domain names or websites) have been suspended during our investigation.

    Infringement Claim

    Infringement Information

    Please identity the specific service provided by LibyanSpider to the reported website and the specific domain name or IP address of the reported website; please also identify the specific location (URL) of the reported website, or content on the website, where your trademark or copyright is being infringed (e.g. the URL)
    Infringement information
    For trademark infringement claims, you must include a trademark.
    Copyright: identify the type of work (e.g., text, video, image, code, audio) and provide a description sufficient to recognize it, like the location (specific URL link) where we can view your work. Trademark: identify the type of trademark (i.e., word or phrase, logo, word, and design), country where registered, registration number, and provide a description of the alleged infringement.

    Maximum file size: 10.75MB

    You can upload maximum to 5 files. Supported formats are PNG/JPG/JPEG/PDF/DOC/DOCX.

    Identification Information

    This name will be disclosed only to LibyanSpider.
    This email address will be disclosed only to LibyanSpider.

    Maximum file size: 10.75MB

    Supported formats are PNG/JPG/JPEG/PDF/DOC/DOCX.
    Your Role
    This name will be disclosed to the complained customer.
    The email address will be disclosed to the complained customer.

    Submission and Signature

    By clicking the following boxes and typing my name as a form of electronic signature:

    I understand that the information submitted in this form may be shared with third parties, including the alleged infringer about whom I am filing this complaint.

  • We require sufficient information in order to review and determine any proper response or action. Accordingly, if you do not provide all the information required below and the supporting document to substantiate the alleged unlawful activity, we reserve the right to not take any action and not contact you for further information.

    We will not take any action if the products or services that are the subject of your abuse report (such as domain names or websites) have been suspended during our investigation. If your report is deemed valid by our team, it will be forwarded to our customer or the responsible party within 5 working days and we will get back to you with their feedback, if any.

    Abuse Claim

    Report of Unlawful Content/Abuse

    Maximum file size: 10.75MB

    You can upload a maximum of 5 files. Supported formats are PNG/JPG/JPEG/PDF/DOC/DOCX.

    Contact Information